Edu Passion 2019


Sooo, apparently I just got my life back together and after weeks seeking for my edu passion notes that I stupidly decided to lose, I finally found it back in the middle of my room mess loooool please excuse my clumsiness. 

So these are basically the infomation that I got from the universities that I’m planning to go in which are STAN, UI, UNPAD, and ITB. I’m still not sure tho which one is the best for me to choose so I collected some infomartions from each universities to compare them all. Take a look at them :)


I took some pictures too there, there arent pretty much of them tho because it was so crowded and it was kinda hard to capture the moment when I was interviewing the interviewees. 

Soo yeah that was pretty much it from Edu Passion 2019. The main event was absolutely amazing and really helpful for us high school students who are going to continue our journey to the next step. I’m really glad that my school held such event and its really needed, not only for high-schoolers though, but for the society in general. :)


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